This wedding dinner is an special one i would say. There's lots of dancing throughout the dinner and everytime someone sings there will be people at the dance floor dancing. But most important thing is that all the old friends got to get together to celebrate our friend special occasion. Kinda miss AIESEC and all those meeting in UUM. It's nice to finally get to meet all of my friends and get some update from them. Congrats Shin. And thanks to Seok, Chah and Phui for sharing the pix.
That's the Theme for Annual Hi-Tea for NESTLE HOU staff. It was only my first week there and i had the chance to join the Hi-Tea. Very different from the Branch Family day indeed. Some photo of the Food Business Unit staff in school uniform. Thanks to Shikin for sharing the photo.
It's been a long time since i last post a entry guess of sharing this with you'll. Been busy with my new work and couldn't find the time to post an entry. On MC today coz my tonsils is troubling me again and guess that i can run away from the surgery. So posting a entry today since i got so much time to rest. Am going back to Penang today and will be attending Shin Yee's Wedding at Taiping tomorrow.
The Class Of Food Business Unit group photo at Henri Nestle School.
Lining up 2 by 2 and making an entry to the hall.
Break time.
Will update more on Shin's Wedding in my next blog. GTG CYA