When the first day started i was very excited coz lots of new faces and also some of the people i know is there. We were placed in a group of 5 people. My group consist of me, Swee Rin who's from the same dept as i am in Malaysia, Vu a RSM from Vietnam, April Sales Manager from Philiphines and Joy a Brand Exec from Thailand. I would say that it's a combination of expertise from many angle. I&R, Brand, Sales and CCSD.
Our facilitator was Benard, Ian and Tim from Nestle SGDU and Mr.Khoo, Vela, Mr.Lim, Razlan and Don from Nestle Malaysia. The training was really a great learning from me who is still lost of direction in my new JD. It gives me a whole picture of the planning process and also where my job as a CCSD comes into the picture.
Dinner with the rest of the participant was great as we have to look for our own dinner. As a Malaysian of coz hospitality is a trademark of Malaysia. We brought them out for dinner. Old Town cafe was the first place we brought them. Then a a few of us went to a pub for a drink. Vu, Tomo from Japan and me we re enjoying a glass of beer then.

I really like the time when we are in the group discussion as all of us have different point of view in the discussion and everyone is trying to convince each other in the discussion. Guess that is the case when u have much of a diversity in a group. Everyone was trying to present their country best practice and of coz i won't want to lose out.
We had a few good presentation and a few bad ones and will learn from it. The finale was a great one as dinner was arrange at KL tower. Dinner was great and everyone started the craze of taking photo as the view was great. And maybe because the training is closing its curtain and everyone just misses the time we spend together. Tomo who was very quiet throughout the training was suddenly the center of attention when we're taking the photo. Not to forget Karl from Philipines sang us a song. It was great.
I was not able to join them for the after dinner celebration coz am going up to Genting with my GF the next day. Am planning to meet up with Ying and Mod from Thailand at Genting the next day. But too bad didn't get a chance to meet them there as we're staying at a different hotel at Genting. It was Valentine Day the next day and was great spending time with my GF family.
Will post some photo of the Seminar when i have them as the connection here is slow and unable to post them. It'll give you a better picture of the enjoyment we have in the Training and it was not as tedious as mentioned earlier as we have the tools to manage the business better now.
Adios signing off......