Times at HOU is kinda of stable now. And guess i'm getting use to it. Its always the learning and the adjustment part that is hard. Learning everything from the scratch.

Remember the book that my boss ask me to read last time ' Who Move My Cheese' about 2 mice and 2 little ppl with different perception on changes. One would like to be at his comfort zone and the other moving on in search of his new CHEESE. Guess i'm the one in search of my new CHEESE. i guess i've found my CHEESE and now feeling abit comfortable. Should i move on or stay where i'm comfortable now. Till when should i move on? Should we not stop when we're comfortable?
To me we should stop when we attain what we aim for. To some the comfort zone is what they aim for. So it's not wrong to stop when you're comfortable coz the world is so big and its impossible to be at the top of the world. Is Bill Gates still searching or is he stopping?
Reading back my old posting at this blog and i realise that i misses my comfort zone so much. Guess i'm kinda tired searching and disappointed with what i've found. Life in HOU is lonely. You have to work for yourself and sometime eat alone which was not the case last time. I used to have friends all around me and we enjoy drinking and partying. My last party was at the roadshow with my old colleague.
To me i've yet to attain what i wanted to achieve in my search yet. So i'm not stopping. Hope that i can achieve what i want and be back to the comfort zone which i enjoy very much.