Was really great to see all of them again and the changes at the ASO. Now all the exec do not have their own office anymore and are in cubicle. People changes, new faces, new challenges. That what i see in when i was back at Penang.

The feeling is abit different now as i feel that i'm no longer talking the language of the Branch anymore. Maybe i'm getting wiser with the knowledge and experience i had in HOU. Able to guide and give clearer direction now. Am feeling comfortable at HOU also as i've learn more about the system and proccess. And with the new year i've made a resolution also. Firstly is to get my promotion and second of coz after promotion will be the next level in my life. So to say moving up the ladder in career and life.
As for New Year, went to cineleisure at Curve with my dear to watch AVATAR 3D. Was really a great movie and think will be the revolution of 3D entertainment. Heard in the Radio today that they are coming out with 3D TV, which i think will change entertainment to a totally new meaning. Had a great time with my dear and even took some pix with the machine.
So it's back to work now. Given lots of opportunities in HOU to handle projects. Sales Convention, WINA, Brand Champ workshop, Flavour World Workshop, Team Building and MAGGI Roadshow. So moving towards 2010 with a positive note. No.1 Promotion No.2 Wedding.
Cheers and Happy New Year to everyone. May you find success in your new quest !