Was at Tesco Extra Seberang Jaya to check out some products on sales at the outlet recently and found that this shop which offer fish SPA. There were no customers when me and John went in as i think many were too afraid to try it. The PIC there explain to us that the fish bite will trigger something like electricity to our body and at the same time clean all the dead skin from our leg. Lucky me who just came back from Hong Kong with all the dead skin at my leg from the long walk there.
Actually it was quite nice and you can see all the fish surrounding your leg and biting your leg. We left the shop after 20 minutes with a charge of RM24 for 2 person which i feel is reasonable. The shop were packed with customers when we left. Think they just needed someone to initiate the first move for others to try. The outlet is at Tesco Extra Ground Floor opposite the jewellery shop.
Manage to take some pix and vid of the session.
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