Do not know why was depress today. I've never felt so down before. Just felt lonely and do not know where i'm heading to in my life. Was thinking where am i heading to in the company. Will i stay at long?
Looking at the political scenario in Malaysia. Lot's of people are telling me that there will be another election this September. Why all this is happening? Malaysian has choosen their representative so let it be. If you are not choosen then you'll have to reflect why people are not choosing you. Another election won't help.
Are all this people fighting to serve the Nation?? or for their own self?? MP are suppose to serve the people. To me serving the people doesn't need any post or rank. But all this people are arguing in Parlimen and also in the press just because they want to serve the people. Funny. Why go to that extend?
I really respect the former MB of Terengganu, Idris Jusoh. He's calm in accepting the fact that he is not choosen to lead the state and continuing to serve the people. Kudos to you. And not to forget Dr. Koh , who's such a political gentlemen. Accepting the fact that Gerakan has lost and is working hard to rebuilt Gerakan. This is the way that things should be.
Opposition has gain ground in the political scenario in Malaysia and are suppose to work hard in fulfilling their manifesto and not working on how to pull Barisan MP over to the Pakatan. Be gentlemen. Show to the people of Malaysia that you win because people of Malaysia choose you and not because people are hopping over.
Give our PM a break and let him manage the country. It will be even harder to manage the country with such political scenario. Focus to serve the people and not how u can criticized each other. Your brain and brawn is needed as we're now facing global issues such as fuel price increase and also the food price increase.
Sad to see that the political scenario is getting more coverage in the news rather then the cyclone victims and also the earthquake victims in Myanmar and China. Guess the political Tsunami is more important then lives that are lost and people who need help there.
Is it me or Malaysia facing insomnia??? sleepless nights....
Whatever that is happening, i'm meeting my dear least there is some sunshine in my life.
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