Today i went to see doctor again. It's the second time in a week i went to see doctor. It's very unusual that i'm sick for so long. Usually i'll be sick for a few days only. But it has been a week now and i've not recovered yet and it's getting worse.
The doctor says that the antibiotic is not working and i have to take a stronger antibiotic. Feeling very very tired and don't feel like working. Might as well take some rest tomorrow.
How does it feel to be sick. Guess everyone also don't like to be sick. What the worse sickness that you've experience? not those fatal one lar of coz. As for me the worse ever that i have is food poisoning. You feel like you want to die. Plus if u take milk when you are food poisoning it make u feel want to die better. The unbearable pain will get to your brain and it'll kill your whole body system as if you're paralyse.
But for me, as an workaholic the worse sickness is that you're sick of your work. I like my work very much and if i feel i do not want to work means that there is something not right. But often i'll pick myself back. Today i don't feel like going to work tomorrow not becoz i'm sick of my work but it's that i'm tired coz of medication. The medication really make me feel sleepy.
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